The Impact of Space and Information Networks on Entrepreneurial Success
“The Impact of Space and Information Networks on Entrepreneurial Success” provides a theoretical foundation for how physical spaces and information networks create certain “interaction blocks” that are needed to create a successful entrepreneurial ecosystem. This proposes a new way to view entrepreneurial infrastructure, and a new way to build entrepreneurial ecosystems. It moves from saying “we need to have lots of funding” to “we need better ways to showcase validation.” Or,
Research Methodology
Part 1: Narratives and the Information Commons
Part 2: From Idea to Prototype
Research: Reaching Out of Theory
Part 3: Building Relationships
Research: Building Strong Interpersonal Environments
Interaction: Coffee Shops (Weak Ties), Dorm Rooms (Strong Ties)
Part 4: Iterative Feedback
Part 5: Navigating Pathways
Interaction: Counselor
Concluding Thoughts
Next Steps
How to Build Successful Entrepreneurial
Research Questions