Teddy Talks: Quirky, Community Built Conversations
The TED conference created the idea of the TED talk, where experts distill big ideas into brief, easily understood talks. But while many of the talks are online, this flow of information is only the speaker delivering information at me. The most magical part of the TED conference is the conversations that happen in between. The most magical part is to be a part of the conversation, the back-and-forth, the ability to be a part of the conversation. I looked online and saw the price tag of the TED conference was $5,000 for first-time conference goers (not including plane travel or hotel). There is a lengthy application. This was out of my price range, and I feel like it is out of the price range for many Americans.
A lot of TED-like alternatives have cropped up like Big Think and Ignite talks, but they concentrate on the talks, instead of what I find so appealing about the TED conference — -the in-between talks conversations.
So, I have created a TED-like alternative that focuses on creating these kinds of conversations.
Talks Outline
People will get together for two hour-long conversations. Each conversation has two speakers. Each speaker has ten minutes to speak.
Talks Schedule
5:30–6:00: People meet and mingle at the central fountain.
6:00–6:45: First talk
6:45–7:00: Move to Next Talk
7:00–7:45: Second Talk
7:45–8:00: Meet back at Fountain
Specifics for: