How to Build Entrepreneurial Information Environments: The Importance of Narratives and Placement of Paradigms
This is about two things: the combination of why placement is important to keep entrepreneurship in the “realm of attention” of people.
BUT, this isn’t enough. If people don’t think that it is information relevant to THEM, they will tune it out. (Story of girl who was working on something that was entrpreneurship
Supported by the idea of “Attention capture.” Once people think some information is important, they will begin to look at it.
Support: how narratives shape who becomes an entrepreneur.
Lesson: Combine programming where people from a broad array of disciplines are introduced to entrepreneurship, and that this is a pathway people have open to them.
What people will get: Template on what entrepreneurship advisers can encourage professors to add to their syllabi to get students from a broad array of disciplines engaged. Template of how entrepreneurship advisers can create greater attention to individual people’s stories.